人間科学部 人間健康科学科

眞鍋 昇 教授(東京大学名誉教授)
氏名 | 眞鍋 昇(マナベ ノボル) |
英文 | MANABE Noboru |
職階 | 教授(東京大学名誉教授) |
役職 | 学長補佐 |
学位 | 京都大学農学博士 |
所属学会 | 日本薬学会・日本解剖学会・日本農芸化学会・ヒトと動物の関係学会・日本獣医学会・日本獣医解剖学会・日本馬科学会・日本繁殖生物学会・日本畜産学会 |
研究分野 | 食品科学・獣医学・畜産学 |
研究業績 | 【著書】 ○Marker Proteins in Inflammation, Vol. 3, Bienvenu B, Grimaud J-A, Laurent A eds, Walter de Gruyter Co., Berlin, Germany, (total page: 888), (1986). 分担執筆: Dumont J-M, Maignan M-F, Perrssoud D, Noboru Manabe, Tatsuyoshi Sugimoto. The effect of Malotilate in an experimental model of hepatic fibrosis induced by heterologous serum in the rat. pp477-489. ○Liver Diseases: Cirrhosis, Grimaud J-A eds, Falk-Foundation E.V., Freiburg, West Germany, (total page: 225), (1986). 分担執筆: Noboru Manabe, Minoru Katoh, Matazaemon Uchida, Tatsuyoshi Sugimoto, Takeyuki Monna. Effect of malotilate on cellular-immunological responses in rats with liver fibrosis induced by egg yolk sensitization. pp6-9. ○Biomedical and Social Aspects of Alcohol and Alcoholism. Kuriyama K, Takada A, Ishii H eds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (total page: 997), (1988). 分担執筆: Kazuyoshi Inoue, Noboru Manabe, Matazaemon Uchida. Acceleration of porcine serum sensitization-induced liver fibrosis by ethanol and therapeutic effect of Malotilate. pp795-798. ○The SAM Model of Snescence, Toshio Takeda eds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (total page: 458), (1994). 分担執筆(2編) (1)Hajime Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe, Yuka Akiyama, Yukiko Mitani, Miki Sugimoto, Eimei Sato. Quantitative studies on spermatogenesis in the senescence accelerated mouse. pp275-278. (2)Hajime Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe, Takeshi Watanabe, Cinami Aruga, Yukiko Mitani, Nami Sugimoto, Miki Sugimoto, Eimei Sato. Female reproductive characteristics of the senescence accelerated mouse. pp279-282. ○Advences in Comparative Endocrinology Vol. 2, Seiichiro Kawashima, Sakae Kikuyama eds, Monduzzi Editore S.P.A., Bologna, Italy, (total page: 1837), (1997). 分担執筆: Noboru Manabe, Akira Myoumoto, Yoshihiro Kimura, Yuzuru Imai, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. A Monoclonal antibodiy against pig ovarian follicular granulosa cells recognizes a novel cell death ireceptor and induces granulosa cell apoptosis. pp1793-1797. ○Reproductive Biology Update: Novel Tools for Assessment of Environmental Toxicity, Hajime Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe eds, Shoukadoh Booksellers Co., Kyoto, Japan, (total page: 498), (1998). 編集および分担執筆 (10篇) (1)Noboru Manabe, Akira Myomoto, Yoshihiro Kimura, Yuzuru Imai, Miki Sugimoto, Kazuhiro Sakamaki, Yoshinori Okamura, Manabu Fukumoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Regulatory mechanisms of granulosa cell apoptosis in porcine ovarian follicle atresia. pp23-35. (2)Noboru Manabe, Tomohiko Okuda, Hiroaki Takakuwa, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Retinoids induce malformations related to cell death in mouse embryos. pp365-374. (3)Noboru Manabe, Yasuyoshi Azuma, Makoto Miyamoto, Keiko Kuramitsu, Yoshihiro Furuya, Nobuo Nagano and Hajime Miyamoto. Quantitative physiology estimated by histochemical and structure-biological measurement. pp469-481. (4)Noboru Manabe, Yoshihiro Kimura, Akira Myomoto, Hiroko Matsushita, Chiemi Tajima, Miki Sugimoto and Hajime Miyamoto. Role of granulosa cell apoptosis in ovarian follicle atresia. pp97-111. (5)Okamura Yshinori, Akira Myomoto, Xianlong Gao, Noboru Manabe, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Kouhei Matuura, Hitoshi Okamura, Hiroshi Hiai, Manabu Fukumoto. The role of protein tyrosine kinase in ovarian folliclogenesis. pp37-42. (6)Yoshihiro Kimura, Noboru Manabe, Hiroko Matushita, Yuzuru Imai, Miki Sugimoto and Hajime Miyamoto. Granulosa cell glycoconjugates found in atretic follicles of the pig ovary. pp59-66. (7)Myomoto Akira, Yoshinori Okamura, Xianlong Gao, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto, Hiroshi Hiai, Manabu Fukumoto. Ovarian follicular atresia and development: Tyrosin kinase (TK) activity in relation to regulation of granulosa cell apoptosis. pp67-72. (8)Maki Morita, Miki Sugimoto, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. The morphology of mammalian oviductal epithelium and its functional relevance. pp337-343. (9)Miki Sugimoto, Tadashi Kabasawa, Shinji Maeda, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Organ cryopreservation of mammalian ovarian tissue as a means for preservation of female germ cells and ovarian endocrine function. pp439-448. (10)Makoto Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe, Keiko Kuramitsu, Yukinobu Kuribayashi, Kotaro Tamura, Yoshihiro Furuya, Nobuo Nagano, Manabu Fukumoto and Hajime Miyamoto. Lectin histochemistry in fibrotic liver disease. pp483-490. ○Apoptosis: Its roles and mechanism, Takeshi Yamada, Yoshiyuki Hashimoto eds, Business Center for Academic Societies Japan, Tokyo, Japan, (total page: 452), (1998). 分担執筆: Noboru Manabe, Yoshihiro Kimura, Akira Myoumoto, Hiroko Yamashita, Chiemi Tajima, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Role of granulosa cell apoptosis in porcine ovarian follicle atresia. pp97-111. ○Animal Cell Technology: Challengers for the 21st Century, Kouji Ikura, Masaya Nagao, Seiji Masuda, Ryuzo Sasaki eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Nederlands, (total page: 443), (1999). 分担執筆: Noboru Manabe, Yoshihiro Kimura, Kozue Uchio, Chiemi Tajima, Hiroko Matsushita, Mizuho Nakayama, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Regulatory mechanisms of granulosa cell apoptosis in ovarian follicle atresia: Role of granulosa cell apoptosis in porcine ovarian follicle atresia. pp343-347. ○哺乳類の生殖生物学. 高橋迪雄 監修, 学窓社, 東京, (total page: 300), (ISBN: 4-87362-089-9), (1999). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 生殖器の発生分化. pp86-91. ○獣医組織学, 日本獣医解剖学会 編集, 学窓社. 東京. (total page: 416), (1999). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第14章・雌性生殖器官. pp281-306. ○卵子研究法. 鈴木秋悦, 佐藤英明編集, 養賢堂, 東京, (total page: 406), (2001). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇, 中山瑞穂, 山口美鈴. 卵胞細胞の体外培養法. pp124-130. ○Reproductive Biotechnology: Reproductive biotechnology update and its related physiology, Hajime Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe eds, Hokuto Shobo, Kyoto, Japan, (total page: 424), (2001). 編集および分担執筆 (13篇) (1)Noboru Manabe, Miki Sugimoto, Mizuho Nakayama, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatsu Matsui, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Hajime Miyamoto. Histological and biochemical profiles of granulosa cell apoptosis in follicular atresia of porcine ovaries. pp61-72. (2)Noboru Manabe, Akira Myomoto, Chiemi Tajima, Mizuho Nakayama, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatsu Matsui, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Hajime Miyamoto. Cell death receptor dependent regulation of granulosa cell apoptosis in porcine ovarian follicle atresia. pp81-90. (3)Mizuho Nakayama, Noboru Manabe, Susumu Nishihara, Satoko Wada, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatsu Matsui, Hajime Miyamoto. Histochemical studies for comparison of regulatory mechanisms of follicular development in mammalian ovaries. pp91-98. (4)Minako Kiso, Kohji Komatsu, Noboru Manabe, Noriyuki Nisioka, Nami Nakai-Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. An animal models for luteolysis: Abnormal accumulation of luteal bodies in ovaries of the senescence accelerated mouse (SAM). pp121-124. (5)Maki Morita, Miki Sugimoto, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Functions of mammalian oviducts and their relevance to morphology. pp127-131. (6)Noboru Manabe, Tomohiko Okuda, Miki Sugimoto, Takako Tanaka, Reika Okamoto, Minako Kiso, Kohji Komatsu, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Hajime Miyamoto. Teratosis induced by retinoids relates to apoptotic cell death in mouse embryos. pp167-176. (7)Miki Sugimoto, Noboru Manabe, Maki Morita, Takako Tanaka, Reika Okamoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Utilization of NMR microscopy in developmental toxicology: Assessment of mouse embryo malformations induced by maternal administration of retinoic acid. pp177-181. (8)Takako Tanaka, Noboru Manabe, Reika Okamoto, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Effects of endocrine disrupters on the expression of nuclear receptors in murine embryos. pp183-188. (9)Miki Sugimoto, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Basic aspects of organ cryopreservation and application for preservation of mammalian ovarian tissue. pp341-346. (10)Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Noboru Manabe, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Kotaro Tamura, Naotsugu Akashi, Yasufumi Goto, Yoshie Yamamoto, Atsuo Ogura, Hajime Miyamoto. Abnormalities of extracellular matrix metabolisms in the kidney of ICGN mice, a strain of mice with hereditary nephrotic syndrome. pp361-372. (11)Misuzu Yamaguchi, Noboru Manabe, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Naotsugu Akashi, Yasufumi Goto, Masaya Nagao, Yoshie Yamamoto, Atsuo Ogura, Hajime Miyamoto. Renal anemia in ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mice. pp373-377. (12)Noboru Manabe, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Kohji Komatsu, Nobuo Nagano, Yasuyoshi Furuya, Hajime Miyamoto. Quantitative estimation of physiological properties by histochemical techniques. pp397-404. (13)Noboru Manabe, Yasuyoshi Azuma, Miki Sugimoto, Misuzu Yamaguchi, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Kohji Komatsu, Minako Kiso, Takako Tanaka, Hajime Miyamoto. In vivo 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance technique for estimation of liver energy metabolism in mice. pp405-413. ○獣医組織学 第2版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page: 315), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第14章・雌性生殖器官. pp185-196, (2001) ○Animal Frontier Sciences: Life science update in animal science, Eimei Sato, Hajime Miyamoto, Noboru Manabe eds, Hokuto Shobo, Kyoto, Japan, (total page: 363), (2003). 編集および分担執筆 (11篇) (1)Noboru Manabe, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatsu Matsui, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Akihisa Maeda, Takashi Miyano, Kazuhiro Sakamaki, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Regulatory mechanisms of follicle selection in mammalian ovaries. pp117-132. (2)Noboru Manabe, Satoko Wada, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatu Matsui, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Akihisa Maeda, Hajime Miyamoto. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and its receptors play crucial roles in apoptosis of granulosa cells during follicular atresia in pig ovaries. pp133-142. (3)Mizuho Nakayama, Noboru Manabe, Naoko Inoue, Toshikatsu Matsui, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Akihisa Maeda, Hajime Miyamoto. Tumor necrosis factor- acts as a survival factor in granulosa cells during follicular selection in porcine ovaries. pp143-149. (4)Naoko Inoue, Noboru Manabe, Toshikatsu Matsui, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Akihisa Maeda, Hajime Miyamoto. Roles of Fas-ligand and TRAIL systems in granulosa cell apoptosis during follicular atresia in porcine ovaries. pp151-156. (5)Toshikatu Matsui, Noboru Manabe, Yasufumi Goto, Naoko Inoue, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Akihisa Maeda, Susumu Nishihara, Hajime Miyamoto. Role of the mitochondria-dependent pathway in granulosa cell apoptosis during follicular atresia in pig ovaries. pp157-163. (6)Misuzu Yamaguchi-Yamada, Noboru Manabe, Kozue Uchio-Yamada, Naotsugu Akashi, Yasufumi Gotoh, Masaya Nagao, Yoshie Yamamoto, Atsuo Ogura, Hajime Miyamoto. Anemia associated with renal failure in the ICR-derived glomerulonephritis (ICGN) mice. pp281-285. (7)Minako Kiso, Noboru Manabe, Kohji Komatsu, Munetake Shimabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Abnormal structural luteolysis in ovaries of the senescence accelerated mouse (SAM): expression of Fas mediated apoptosis signal in luteal bodies. pp287-294. (8)Noboru Manabe, Kozue Yamada-Uchio, Misuzu Yamada-Yamaguchi, Yasufumi Gotoh, Toshiharu Mori, Chinatsu Sakata,Yoshihiro Furuya, Hajime Miyamoto. Histochemical technique quantitatively estimates the physiological and pathological properties. pp303-309. (9)Maki Morita, Miki Sugimoto, Takako Tanaka, Satoshi Imanishi, Hanako Nishizawa, Kei-Ichi Sezaki, Mineko Iwahori, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Morphological alterations in mammalian reproductive organ induced by exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES). pp319-323. (10)Miki Sugimoto, Noboru Manabe, Maki Morita, Kei-Ichi Sezaki, Takako Tanaka, Satoshi Imanishi, Hanako Nishizawa, Mineko Iwahori, Hajime Miyamoto. Utilization of magnetic resonance microscope for studies in reproductive toxicology. pp325-330. (11)Noboru Manabe, Yasuyoshi Azuma, Miki Sugimoto, Kei-Ichi Sezaki, Mineko Iwahori, Satoshi Imanishi, Hanako Nishizawa, Takako Tanaka, Maki Morita, Hajime Miyamoto. vivo and real time estimation of energy metabolism by 31p-nuclear magnetic resonance. pp339-347. ○獣医組織学 改訂第2版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 315), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第14章・雌性生殖器官. pp185-196, (2003) ○動物生殖学, 佐藤英明編集, 朝倉書店, 東京, (total page 225) (ISBN: 4-25445-0214 ), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 卵巣. pp67-90, (2003) ○Environmental Toxicity Evaluation and Risk Management, Vol. 1, Shinsuke Morisawa eds, The Environment Risk Management Group of the JSPS-VCC Program on Environmental Science, Engineering and Ethics 2000-2009. Kyoto, Japan, (total page: 145), 分担執筆: Masahiro Morikawa, Wakoto Matsuyama, Yuko Kawamoto, Miki Sugimoto, Maki Morita, Aki Nakayama, Noboru Manabe, Minoru Yoneda, Shinsuke Morisawa. Dynamic performance of bisphenol-A in pregnant mouse and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model development. pp 60-74, (2003) ○The Ovary, 2nd edition, Peter C.K. Leung, Eli Y. Adashi eds, Academic Press/Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Nederland, (total page: 664), 分担執筆: Chapter 21. Noboru Manabe, Naoko Inoue, Takashi Miyano, Kazuhiro Sakamaki, Miki Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Ovarian follicle selection in mammalian ovaries: Regulatory mechanisms of granulosa cell apoptosis during follicular atresia. pp 369-385, (2003) ○The Senescence-Accelerated Mouse (SAM): An Animal Model of Senescence, Nomura Y., Takeda T., Okuma Y. eds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Nederland, (2004). 分担執筆 (3篇) (1)Noboru Manabe, Minako Kiso, Munetake Shimabe, Nami Nakai-Sugimoto, Hajime Miyamoto. Abnormal accumulation of corpora lutea in ovaries of the senescence accelerated mouse prone (SAMP). pp179-185. (2)Munetake Shimabe, Minako Kiso, Kohji Komatsu, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of MMP in ovaries of senescence accelerated mice. (3)Minako Kiso, Munetake Shimabe, Kohji Komatsu, Noboru Manabe, Hajime Miyamoto. Expression of prolactin receptor mRNA in ovaries of senescence accelerated mice. ○ウシの解剖, 日本獣医解剖学会監修, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 138), 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇, (2005). ○獣医組織学 改訂第2版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 326), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第14章・雌性生殖器官. pp185-196, (2005). ○図説動物形態学, 福田勝洋 編集, 朝倉書店, 東京, 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第4章2節 呼吸器系 p74-81および第6章 生体複製系・雄の生殖系, 雌の生殖系, 胎盤 p138-168, (2006). ○基礎から学ぶ犬の繁殖ハンドブック(Dog Breeding, Dan Rice著), 永村武美監訳, 株式会社インターズー, 東京, (total page 184), 共同翻訳:眞鍋 昇, 佐藤英明, (2006). ○犬の解剖・カラーリングアトラス, 日本獣医解剖学会監修, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 122), 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇, (2006). ○Gamete Biology: Emerging frontiers on fertility and contraceptive development. Gupta SK, Koyama K, Murray JF eds, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, United Kingdom, (total page 545), 分担執筆: Takashi Miyano, Noboru Manabe. Oocyte growth and acquisition of meiotic competence. pp531-538, (2007). ○新獣医学事典, 土井邦雄, 山根義久 監修, チクサン出版社・緑書房, 東京, 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇, (2007). ○カラーアトラス獣医解剖学(上巻・下巻), カラーアトラス獣医解剖学編集委員会編集, チクサン出版社・緑書房, 東京, (total page 837), 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇, (2008). ○獣医組織学 第4版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 344), (ISBN: 978-4-87362-151-7), (2008). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇, 木村順平. 第14章・雌性生殖器官. pp185-196, (2008). ○獣医発生学(Veterinary Embryology, MacGeady TA, FitzPatrick and Ryan MT 著),谷口和之, 木曾康夫郎, 佐藤英明 編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 392). 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇. 第1章 細胞の分裂,成長および分化, pp1-10, (2008). ○食の安全科学の展開:食のリスク予測と制御にむけて, 東京大学食の安全研究センター編集, CMC 出版, 東京, (total pages 287), (2010). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第14章 プリオン遺伝子ホモノックアウト牛の作出と有用性, pp 112- 119, (2010). ○カラーアトラス獣医解剖学(上巻・下巻)増補改訂版, カラーアトラス獣医解剖学編集委員会編集, チクサン出版社・株式会社緑書房, 東京. 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇. 第二章 頭部、頸部および体幹の筋膜と筋, pp139-170, total page 914 (2 volumes), (2010) ○獣医組織学 第5版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 361), (2011). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇, 木村順平, 大塚沙織. 第14章・雌性生殖器官, pp207-218. ○新動物生殖学, 佐藤英明編集, 朝倉書店, 東京, (total page 216), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第2章高等動物の性行動・雌の性行動. pp11-12, 第3章高等動物の生殖器官と構造・雌の生殖器官と構造. pp 20-32, (2011). ○卵子学, 森崇英編集, 京都大学出版会, 京都, (total page 1,195), 分担執筆:眞鍋昇, 松田二子. 第4章 顆粒層細胞アポトーシスの分子機構, pp 424-432 , (2011). ○生物学辞典第5版, 巌佐庸・倉谷滋・斎藤成也・塚谷裕一編集, 岩波書店, 東京, (2013), 分担執筆: 眞鍋昇. ○東日本大震災からの農林水産業と地域社会の復興(シリーズ21世紀の農学), 養賢堂, 東京, (total page 138) (ISBN978-4-8425-0513-8), (2013), 分担執筆:眞鍋昇, 高橋友継, 小野山一郎, 遠藤麻衣子, 飯塚祐彦, 李俊佑, 田野井慶太朗, 中西友子. 第2章 福島第一原子力発電所事故からの畜産業の復興のための家畜や畜産物の放射性核種汚染の実証的調査研究. pp 24-36. ○Noboru Manabe, Kannika Wongpanit, Hua-Zi Jin, Kazumi Taniguchi, Xin Jin. Section II. Reproductive system. Abnormalities of ovarian and testicular function in senescence accelerated mice. In: The Senescence-Accelerated Mouse (SAM): Achievements and Future Directions, Toshio Takeda, Ichiro Akiguchi, Keiichi Higuchi, Masanori Hosokawa, Tomohide Hosokawa, Yasuyuki Nomura eds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, The Nederland, pp273-286, total page580, (2013). ○Noboru Manabe, Tomotusugu Takahashi, Jun-You Li, Keitaro Tanoi, Tomoko M. Nakanishi. Chapter 9. Changes in the transfer of fallout radiocesium from pasture harvested in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, to cow milk two months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. In: Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Tomoko M. Nakanishi, Keitaro Tanoi eds, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp 87-95, total page 204, (2013). ○ウシの解剖アトラス第2版, 日本獣医解剖学会監訳, 緑書房, 東京 (total page 138), 分担翻訳: 眞鍋 昇, (2013). ○繁殖生物学, 日本繁殖生物学会編集, インターズー, 東京 (total page 313), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第2章生殖細胞と生殖器, (2013), pp18-39. ○牛病学第3版, 明石博臣,江口正志,神尾次彦,加茂前秀夫,酒井豊,芳賀猛,眞鍋昇編, 近代出版, 東京(total page412), 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇. 第11章非感染性疾病・放牧病, (2013), pp362-376. ○Noboru Manabe, Tomotsugu Takahashi, Maiko Endo, Chun-Xiang Piao, Junyou Li, Hiroshi Kokado, Minoru Ohta, Keitaro Tanoi, Tomoko Nakanishi. Effects of “clean feeding” management on livestock products contaminated with radioactive cesium due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. In: Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (2). Tomoko M. Nakanishi, Keitaro Tanoi eds, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp 87-95, total page 204 , (2013). ○獣医組織学 第6版, 日本獣医解剖学会編集, 学窓社, 東京, (total page 364), (2014). 分担執筆: 眞鍋 昇, 木村順平, 大塚沙織. 第14章・雌の生殖器., pp209-220. ○Noboru Manabe, Tomotsugu Takahashi, Maiko Endo, Junyou Li, Tetsuya Tanaka, Hiroshi Kokado, Minoru Ohta, Keitaro Tanoi, Tomoko Nakanishi. Chapter 8. Effects of “Clean feeding” management on livestock products contaminated with radioactive cesium due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. In: Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: The First Three Years. Tomoko M. Nakanishi, Keitaro Tanoi eds, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp87-95, total page 263, (2016) ○Noboru Manabe, Tomotsugu Takahashi, Junyou Li, Tetsuya Tanaka, Keitaro Tanoi, Tomoko Nakanishi. Chapter 9. Adverse effect of radiocesium due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident on the promotion of sustainable circular agriculture including livestock. In: Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: The First Three Years. Tomoko M. 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In: Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) (Reproduction in Domestic Animals l47 (Suppl 4), Vancouver, Canada, 29 July - 2 August (2012) ○Noboru Manabe, Takafumi Sai, Fuko Matsuda, Naoko Inoue, Yasufumi Goto, Ichiro Onoyama, Jun-You Li. Mitochondrion-dependent apoptosis pathway is involved in granulosa cell apoptosis which regulates follicular atresia in saws. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 26 - 29 August (2012) ○Nguyen Viet Linh, Kazuhiro Kikuchi, Michiko Nakai, Fuminori Tanihara, Junko Noguchi, Hiroyuki Kaneko, Thanh Quang Dang-Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Men, Nguyen Van Hanh, Tamas Somfai, Bui Xuan Nguyen, Takashi Nagai, Noboru Manabe. Contribution of mitochondria in restoration of fertilization and developmental competence of oocytes with low cytoplasmic maturity. 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Novel technology for aerobic ultra-high temperature (110 C) fermented compost. In: Proceedings of the 15th Asian Animal Science Congress (AAAP) , Bangkok, 26 - 30 November (2012) ○Masanori Ikeda, Satoru Tomimatsu, Ichiro Onoyama, Kazumi Suzuki, Junyou Li, Noboru Manabe. Growth promoting effect of the supplementation of 10 amino acids mixture and rice bran gamma orizanol in calves. In: Proceedings of the 15th Asian Animal Science Congress (AAAP) , Bangkok, 26 - 30 November (2012) ○Noboru Manabe, Jozsef Rátky, Keiichi Sezaki, Nozomu Toufuku, Ichiro Onoyama, Jyunyou Li. High expression of Bid in follicular granulosa cells is characteristics in Mangalica ovaries. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Fatty Pigs, Herceghalom, Hungary, 22-24 February (2013) ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Junyou Li, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshihito Aoyagi. Production of prion gene homo-knockout caws to prevent spontaneous bovine spongiform encephalopathy and their characteristics. In: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of Society of Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction: Reproductive Biology, Biotechnology, Animal Welfare and Biodiversity, Gdańsk, Poland, 27 February - 1 March (2013) ○Noboru Manabe, Miki Sugimoto, Nozomu Toufuku, Yasufumi Goto, Ichiro Onoyama, Junyou Li. Decoy receptor 3 plays critical role in regulation of apoptosis in ovarian follicular granulosa cells. In: Proceedings of the 29th International ○Forum of Jacques Cartier Center: Molecular Regulation Mechanisms of Physio-pathological Apoptosis, Paris, 4 - 7 March (2013) ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshito Aoyagi. Cutting edge of bovine reproductive technology: Production of prion gene KO cow to prevent spontaneous BSE. (The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 44: 105-110, (2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the Thai Society for Animal Reproduction, Bngkok, Thailand, 20-21 March (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Takafumi Sai, Fuko Matsuda, Ichiro Onoyama, Jun-You Li. Bcl-2 members are involved in granulosa cell apoptosis during follicular atresia in saws. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Progress in Swine Breeding and Raising Technologies. Tainan, Republic of China (Taiwan), 02-07 June (2014). ○József Rátky, István Egerszegi, Soukanh Keonuchan, Klaus-Peter Brüssow, Taku Nagai, Kazuhiro Kikuchi, Tamas Somfai, Noboru Manabe. Native pig breeds in focus of reproductive research. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Preservation and Utilization of Indigenous Breeds and Their Usage in Pigs”, Obihiro, Japan, 24 August (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Junyou Li, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshito Aoyagi. Production of prion gene knockout cow to prevent spontaneous bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2 - 4 September (2014). ○Yoshinosuke Fukumoto, Miki Sugimoto, Ichiro Onoyama, Kannika Wongpanit, Noboru Manabe. Critical role of decoy receptor 3 in regulation of granulosa cell apoptosis in pig ovarian follicle. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2 - 4 September (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Tetsuya Tanaka, Jyunyou LI, Kannika Wongpanit, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshito Aoyagi. Characteristics of prion KO cow against spontaneous bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of Asian Reproductive Biotecnology Society (ARBS), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-8 November (2014). ○Kannika Wongpanit, Panuwat Khumpeerawat, Narisa phonrachom, Pakawadee Pongket, Noboru Manabe. Changes in expression and localization of cellular flice-like inhibitory protein (cFLIP), an anti-apoptotic factor, in corpora lutea during estrus cycle and pregnancy in Thai swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of Asian Reproductive Biotecnology Society (ARBS), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-8 November (2014) ○Ahsan AKM Kabir1, Yasufumi Goto, Ichiro Onayama, Zubaida Gulshan, Jun-You Li, Noboru Manabe. Stages of seminiferous epithelium cycle and rate of germ cell apoptosis in adult testis of Japanese native Shiba goat. In: Proceedings of the 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 10-14 November (2014) ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Tetsuya Tanaka, Jyunyou LI, Kannika Wongpanit, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshito Aoyagi. Production of prion gene knockouted cow to prevent spontaneous bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). In: Proceedings of the 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol. II, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 10-14 November (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Rescue of potential oocytes in livestock ovaries by artificial control of apoptosis inhibitor. Final Report for Research Grants for Meat and Meat Products. 32: 115-119, (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, Yutaka Sendai, Yoshito Aoyagi. Cutting edge of bovine reproductive technology: Production of prion gene KO cow to prevent spontaneous BSE. (The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 44: 105-110, 2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the Thai Society for Animal Reproduction, Bngkok, Thailand, 20-21 March (2014) ○Noboru Manabe, Takafumi Sai, Fuko Matsuda, Ichiro Onoyama, Jun-You Li. Bcl-2 members are involved in granulosa cell apoptosis during follicular atresia in saws. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Progress in Swine Breeding and Raising Technologies. Tainan, Republic of China (Taiwan), 02-07 June (2014). ○眞鍋 昇.アポトーシス阻害因子の人為制御による家畜の潜在的卵子救命法の創出. 伊藤記念財団編. 平成25年度食肉に関する助成調査報告書. 32: 115-119, (2014). ○Noboru Manabe, Ichiro Onoyama, József Rátky, Takashi Nagai, Kazuhiro Kikuchi, Kennich Ra, Tatsuo Ra. Pork production corresponding to the new world-wide economic bloc formation of pacific rim (trans-pacific economic partnership agreement: TPP): Future pork quality demands to fatty pig production in Far-Eastern countries. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fatty Pig: Science and Utilization of Fatty Pig Breeds. Research Institute for Animal Breeding Aad Nutrition, Herceghalom, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 November (2015). ○Noboru Manabe, Keiichi Sezaki, József Rátky, Takashi Nagai, Kazuhiro Kikuchi, Kennich Ra, Tatsuo Ra. High expression of decoy receptor-3 in granulosa cells of Mangalica pig. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference On Fatty Pig: Science and Utilization of Fatty Pig Breeds. Research Institute for Animal Breeding Aad Nutrition, Herceghalom, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 November (2015). ○Noboru Manabe, Keiichi Sezaki, Miki Sugimoto, Yasufumi Goto, Ichiro Onoyama, József Rátky, Kennich Ra, Tatsuo Ra. Characteristics expression of decoy receptor-3 (DcR3) in granulosa cells during follicular atresia in mammalian ovaries. In: Proceedings of “Physiological and Pathological Roles of Programmed Cell Death”, the 33rd International Forum of Jacques Cartier Center under the Cosponsorship of the European Society of Cellular and Molecular Physiopathologist. Université Paris VI, Paris, France, 21-25 november (2015). ○Noboru Manabe, Tomotsugu Takahashi, Takeshi Irie. Novel compost technology for aerobic ultra-high temperature (more than 110 degree fermentation. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on tropical Animal Production. Yogyakarta University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 20-22 October (2015). 【特許】 ○宮本元, 杉本実紀, 眞鍋 昇. 組織の冷却保存液. 公開番号: 2001-277401.(2001年9月11日) |