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準優秀賞【英語エッセー部門】 世界に触れて感じたこと 静岡県立浜松西高等学校中等部 3年 小澤 俊哉

I’ve lived in Toronto, Canada for five years when I was seven to twelve years old. This experience is very precious for me. I realized and felt many things after getting to know the world.

Firstly, I realized that there are a lot of people in the world. Since I lived in a multinational city, I got to come in touch with a lot of foreign people. There were people from countries all over the world such as China, India, Greece, Korea, US and so on. Each person had their own looks, religions, values, and cultures. They were very different from each other. So, I felt that it is very important to respect and communicate with each other to do well.

Secondly, I realized how lucky I am to get to live in Japan. I think Japan is cleaner and safer than other countries. Its culture is unique and cool. It has a beautiful nature. Japanese are kind and hardworking. Also, it is reinforcing its position as the pre-eminent economic power in the world. I realized the greatness of Japan by comparing with the world. This made me more proud of my country.

Finally, I felt that it is important for Japanese to master as a communication tool. English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the most commonly spoken language in the world. Also, it is the language of business, science, tourism, media industry, aviation, and so on. Knowing English increases the chance of getting a job. Anyone can communicate through English. In an increasingly globalized world, it is important for Japanese to be strong at communicating in English, so Japan can elevate its position.

I’ve learned many things by getting to know the world. I hope more Japanese get to know about the world and experience overseas life. I want to make use of my experience and become cosmopolitan person.


